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At times, dental disease and injury can damage your teeth to the point that necessitates restorative care. This kind of dentistry gets your mouth back to full-function, so you can chew, speak, and smile without difficulty.


We provide a variety of restorative treatments to make your smile as good as new. While certain procedures, such as root canal therapy or teeth extractions, may seem a little frightening at first, they may be necessary to avoid additional pain or harm. At The Smile Spot, your comfort is our priority and we offer multiple sedation options to keep you at ease during your appointment.


Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal maintenance is a cleaning procedure performed to thoroughly clean the teeth. Maintenance is an important dental treatment for halting the progression of periodontal disease.


Scaling & Root Planing “Deep Cleaning”

Scaling and root planning is a thorough dental cleaning of teeth root surfaces to remove plaque and tartar (calculus), as well as bacterial toxins from the periodontal pockets.



Dental fillings include ceramic and plastic compounds that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. These compounds, often called composite resins, restore the dentition with a natural appearance. Direct fillings are placed into a prepared cavity during a single visit.



Crowns are a restorative procedure used to improve your tooth’s shape or to strengthen a tooth. Crowns are most often used for teeth that are broken, worn, or have large portions destroyed by tooth decay.


A crown is essentially a “cap” cemented onto an existing tooth that usually covers the portion of your tooth above the gum line. In effect, the crown becomes your tooth’s new outer surface. Crowns can be made of porcelain, metal, or both. Porcelain crowns are most often preferred because they mimic the translucency of natural teeth and are very strong.


Crowns or onlays (partial crowns) are needed when there is insufficient tooth strength to hold a filling. Unlike fillings, which apply the restorative material directly into your mouth, a crown is fabricated away from your mouth. Your crown is created in a lab from your unique tooth impression, which allows a dental laboratory technician to examine all aspects of your bite and jaw movements. Your crown is then sculpted specifically for you to provide adequate function once the crown is seated.



A bridge may be used to replace missing teeth, help maintain the shape of your face, or alleviate stress on your bite.


A bridge replaces missing teeth with artificial teeth, looks great, and literally bridges the gap where one or more teeth may have been. Your bridge can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials and is bonded onto surrounding teeth for support.


The success of any bridge depends on its foundation — the remaining teeth, gums, and bone to which it is attached. Therefore, it’s very important to keep your existing teeth, gums, and jaw healthy and strong.


Endodontic Therapy (Root Canal)

When a tooth is cracked or has a deep cavity, bacteria can enter the pulp tissue and germs can cause an infection inside. If left untreated, an abscess may form. If the infected tissue is not removed, pain and swelling can result. This can not only injure your jawbones, but it is also detrimental to your overall health.

Root canal treatment involves one to two visits. During treatment, your general dentist removes the affected tissue. Next, the interior of the tooth will be cleaned and sealed. Finally, the tooth is filled with a dental composite.


If your tooth has extensive decay, the doctor may suggest placing a crown to strengthen and protect the tooth from breaking. As long as you continue to care for your teeth and gums with regular brushing, flossing, and checkups, your restored tooth can last a lifetime.


teeth Extractions

There are times when it is necessary to remove a tooth. Sometimes a baby tooth has misshapen or long roots that prevent it from falling out naturally, and the tooth must be removed to make way for the permanent tooth to erupt.


At other times, a tooth may have large decay that puts the surrounding teeth at risk. Your doctor may recommend removal of and replacement with a bridge or implant. Infection, orthodontic correction, or problems with a wisdom tooth can also require extractions.


When it is determined that a tooth needs to be removed, your dentist may extract it during a regular checkup or request another visit for this procedure. While this procedure is relatively quick, it is important to share with us any concerns or preferences for sedation.


Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are molars found in the very back of your mouth. They usually appear in the late teens or early twenties, but may become impacted (failure to erupt) due to inadequate space in the jaw or angle of entry.


When a wisdom tooth is impacted, it may need to be removed. If it is not removed, you may develop gum tenderness, swelling, or even severe pain. Impacted wisdom teeth that are partially or fully erupted tend to be quite difficult to clean and are susceptible to tooth decay, recurring infections, and even gum disease.


Once a tooth has been removed, neighboring teeth may shift, causing problems with esthetics, chewing, or your jaw joint function. To avoid these complications, your dentist may recommend that you replace the extracted tooth.



Dentures are natural-looking replacement teeth that are removable. There are two types of dentures: full and partial. Full dentures are given to patients when all the natural teeth have been removed. 


A removable partial denture typically consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base. A partial denture may have a metal framework and clasps that connect to your teeth, or they can have other connectors that are more natural looking. In some cases, a removable partial denture is made to attach to your natural teeth with devices called precision attachments. Precision attachments are generally more esthetic than clasps. Partial dentures are used when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw.


Just like natural teeth, dentures need to be properly cared for. Use a gentle cleanser to brush your dentures, always keep them moist when they’re not in use, and be sure to keep your tongue and gums clean as well.


Emergency Dental Care

We provide prompt emergency dentistry so that you may receive the necessary dental care. Below are guidelines on how to handle common oral discomforts and injuries, and when these situations require emergency dental care or services:


  • Toothache: Please contact us as soon as you feel discomfort or pain.

  • Broken, chipped, or cracked tooth: Rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to your face. Go to the dentist right away. If the tooth was broken or chipped, bring the tooth fragment wrapped in wet gauze or a wet towel.

  • Loosened or knocked-out tooth: If your tooth becomes loose due to trauma, please contact us for an emergency visit. For a permanent tooth that has been knocked-out, hold the tooth by the crown using a clean washcloth and gently insert the lost tooth back into its socket. If the tooth is dirty, first rinse the root, but do not scrub it or remove any attached tissues. If reinsertion is not possible, hold the tooth under the tongue and see us immediately.

  • Broken Jaw: Apply ice or a cold compress to the face. Please see us or an emergency center immediately.

  • Bitten Tongue or Lip: Clean the area with a wet cloth and place a cold compress on the area to reduce swelling. If the bleeding persists or if it is excessive, please visit us or an emergency center.

​If you are in pain or in need of immediate attention, please call our office so that we may see you as soon as possible.

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